Our market stand makes a welcome return for 2025. We have listed the dates and venues below. Come and say hello!
We look forward to meeting you.
Farmers Market - Second & Fourth Saturdays of each month - Specialising in HOLLAND'S finest Liquorice, Chocolate Liquorice & Artisan Liquorice Root Infused Gins - Made in the Cotswolds.
Finest Dutch & European Liquorice.
Selling from 8.00am to 1.00pm - Fairford General Market. Specialising in HOLLAND's finest Liquorice, Artisan Liquorice Root Gins - Made in the Cotswolds.
Farmers Market second and last Friday of each month - Specialising in HOLLAND's Finest Liquorice, Chocolate Liquorice & Artisan Liquorice Root Infused Gins - Made in the Cotswolds.
Order today to secure your shipping date and time.
Responsibly sourced packaging.
Easy online payments through PayPal.
Just Liquorice is a Wiltshire based online retailer of imported Dutch liquorice.
Trusted, safe online shopping, delivering you the best selection of liquorice we can source.
Registered Office: Just Liquorice, 1 Long Street, Tetbury, GL8 8AA. Tel: 01793 637060. Email: sales@justliquorice.co.uk